EMDR Therapy Intensives

Benefits of EMDR Therapy Intensives

The traditional model of weekly psychotherapy is shifting to meet your needs, because flexibility in how you receive therapy support is important.

Traditional talk therapy provides long-term support to help you work through challenges over time. And it has an important place in therapy treatment.

But what if your schedule is demanding and makes weekly therapy sessions feel like just another thing on your plate? What if you feel like you need a lot of help, and quickly? And even the idea of spending months in therapy makes change feel like it’s so far off.

EMDR therapy intensives support those who need to and want to feel better now. They are available to support you during times you need help the most.

You may be wondering…

Are EMDR therapy intensives only for trauma?

EMDR therapy is not just used to heal trauma. It’s also used for performance enhancement to excel in athletics, business, and relationships.